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Human health at the ends of the earth


To artikler fra Nord-Norge publisert om sammenhengen mellom utdanning og rekruttering av leger ved verdens ende. Det største tidsskriftet i distriktsmedisin har i sitt sommernummer satt søkelyset på helse i nordområdene, eller the circumpolar health. "Taken together, all the articles in this special issue of Rural and Remote Health inform us about the complexity of health and healthcare services in circumpolar regions. They serve as a baseline but also remind us that terms such as ‘rural,’ ‘remote’ and ‘northern’ are contextual experiences where place matters everyday on an individual and collective level."

Les lederartikkelen: Human health at the ends of the earth her

Artikler fra Norge :

25. Straume K, Sondena M, Prydz P. Postgraduate training at the ends of the earth - a way to retain physicians? Rural and Remote Health 10: 1356. (Online) 2010. Available: www.rrh.org.au/articles/subviewnew.asp?ArticleID=1356 (Accessed 18 June 2010).

26. Straume K, Shaw D. Internship at the ends of the earth - a way to recruite physicians? (Online) 2010. Rural and Remote Health 10: 1366. Available: www.rrh.org.au/articles/subviewnew.asp?ArticleID=1366 (Accessed 18 June 2010).


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Nasjonalt senter for distriktsmedisin. Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, 9037 Tromsø. Telefon: +47 776 45 512