Fylkeslegen i Finnmark publiserer i WHO sin Bulletin tall som viser at satsningen på god turnustjeneste har fått de unge legene til å velge seg jobb i Nord-Norge. Tilrettelagt spesialistutdanning i allmennmedisin ser også ut til å ha god effekt
E-mail adress: helen.brandstorp@uit.no, cellphone 99152115
Advisor Frank Remman: +47-77645512
Mailing adress:
Nasjonalt senter for distriktsmedisin,
Boaittobealmedisiinna našunála guovddáš
ISM; Helsefak; UiT
N-9037 Tromsø
Hopp over tips en venn - Hovedinnhold - Topp
Hopp over seksjon - Til hovedinnhold - Topp
2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | Januar - Februar - Mars - April - Mai - Juni - Juli - August - September - Oktober - November - Desember
Local setting In Finnmark – Norway’s northernmost and most sparsely-populated county – medical practice is challenging, especially at the primary care level. In 1997, a 38% shortage of general practitioners (30 positions) threatened primary care safety.
Relevant changes Almost twice as many medical interns as expected now take their first fully licensed job in the north of Norway. The post-training retention of primary care physicians after 5 years currently stands at 65%.
Lessons learnt Postgraduate medical training can be conducted in remote areas in a manner that ensures professional development, counteracts professional isolation, and allows trainees and their families to grow roots in rural communities. Rural practice satisfies modern principles of adult learning (problem-based and attached to real-life situations) and offers excellent training conditions.
Nasjonalt senter for distriktsmedisin. Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, 9037 Tromsø. Telefon: +47 776 45 512