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The intention of the mini-symposium is that researchers meet

  • to share knowledge, plans and ideas
  • Get an overview of what is going on around the world
  • Revisit and clarify our goals
  • Think about are what are the values we really want to define and research that captures what makes rural generalism so different & important
  • Develop a research agenda
  • Do some initial collaborative work

Groups of researches with same interests will be suggested according to information aquired in advance - please see our list of suggested topics 

1. SEPTEMBER at Sydspissen hotel (see Accommocation)

09:00-10:30: Welcome to Norway and Tromsø 

  • Welcome address by President in Norwegian Medical Association, Marit Hermansen
  • Anders Forsdahl - a rural pioneer 
  • The Norwegian health system and rural medicine
  • From Montreal 2015 via Tromsø to Cairns 2017, Braam De Klerk & Lachlan McIver

11:00-12:00: Group work

12:00-13:00: Lunch

13:00-15:30: Group work

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:40:  Sharing ideas (10 min/group)

17:40-18:00 Break

18:00-18:30: The new medical education in Tromsø

  • Helga Einarsdottir

19:10 Shared shuttles from Sydspissen Hotell to the casual mountain restaurant Fjellheisen for supper http://www.fjellheisen.no/en/ 


2. SEPTEMBER at the University Campus (easy access with a bus or taxi)

'MH-bygget' (Medicine & Health building)  Auditorium no 6, Ground floor

Interactive map: https://uit.no/campustromso

09:00-10:00 Being a GP in the Nordic countries

  • Prof. Carl Edvard Rudebeck and Prof. Per Stensland

10:00-12:00: Group work 

12:00: Lunch

13:00-14:30: Sharing and wrapping up




Norsk English


Nasjonalt senter for distriktsmedisin. Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, 9037 Tromsø. Telefon: +47 776 45 512