Vitenskapelige artikler
- Rydningen, M, Fosse, A, Abelsen, B, BH, Martin. (2024) Vikarlegebruk i fastlegeordningen 2016-22 29.04.24
- Fosse, A, Abelsen , B, Gaski, Margrete; Grimstad, Hilde. (2023) Educational interventions to ensure provision of doctors in rural areas – a systematic review
- Abelsen, B, Pedersen, K, Løyland HI, Aandahl, E. (2023)Expanding general practice with interprofessional teams: a mixed-methods patient perspective study.
- Pedersen, K, Løyland, HI, Sæther EM, Gahmberg S, Abelsen, B, Snilsberg, Ø, Iversen, T.(2023) Primærhelseteam – en mer teambasert fastlegetjeneste.
- Løyland, HI, Pedersen, K, Gahmberg, S, Gaarder, I, Sæther, E, Iversen, T, Stilsberg, Ø, Abelsen, B. (2023) Effekter, gevinster og kostnader ved digital hjemmeoppfølging – en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse basert på et pragmatisk randomisert forsøk.
- Fosse, A, Svensson A, Konradsen I, Abelsen B. (2022) Tension between local, regional and national levels in Norway’s handling of COVID-19 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 03.02.22
- Abelsen B, Fosse A, Gaski M, Grimstad H. (2022) Tiltak i grunnutdanningen for å sikre leger til distrikt – en systematisk oversikt Tidsskriftet
- Norbye AD, Abelsen B, Førde OH, Ringberg U.(2022) Health anxiety is an important driver for healthcare use. BMC Health Services Research.
- Westlie ÅL, Gaski M, Abelsen B, Grimstad H, Ofstad EH. (2022) Leger utdannet i Bodø: hvem er de og hvor blir de av? Tidsskriftet
- Norbye, A, Abelsen, B, Førde, O, Ringberg, U. (2022) The association between health anxiety, physical disease and cardiovascular risk factors in the general population – a cross-sectional analysis from the Tromsø study: Tromsø 7.
- Berthung, E, Gutacher, N, Abelsen, B, Olsen, J. (2022) Inequality of opportunity in a land of equal opportunities: The impact of parents’ health and wealth on their offspring’s quality of life in Norway.
- Lindberg, M, Chen, G, Olsen, J, Abelsen, B. (2022) Combining education and income into a socioeconomic position score for use in studies of health inequalities.
- Fjære, O, Amundsen G, Fosse, A, Wisborg, Torben, Zakariassen, E. (2022) Gjennomføring av akuttmedisinsk samtrening i seks kommuner.
- Blaunfeldt-Petersen, Britt; Fosse, Anette. Helgelandslegen – et rekrutteringsprosjekt. Utposten 2021; Volum 2021 (5). ISSN 0800-5680.
- Harbitz M, Stensland P, Gaski M. (2021) Rural general practice staff experiences of patient safety incidents and low quality of care in Norway: an interview study Family Practice (2021)
- Harbitz M, Stensland P, Abelsen B. (2021) Medical malpractice in Norway: frequency and distribution of disciplinary actions for medical doctors 2011-2018 BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:324
- Hjortdahl M, Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen P. (2021)Decisions to participate in emergencies: a randomised vignette study BJGP Open 2021
- Jakobsen MD, Obstfelder A, Braaten T, Abelsen B. The self-management work of food hypersensitivity. PLoS ONE 2021, 16(3): e0248181.
- Bertung E, Gutacker N, Friborg O, Abelsen B, Olsen JA. (2021) Who keeps on working? The importance of resilience for labour market participation. PloS One. PLoS ONE 16(10): e0258444.
- Krone-Hjertstrøm, H., Norbye, B., Abelsen, B. et al. Organizing work in local service implementation: an ethnographic study of nurses’ contributions and competencies in implementing a municipal acute ward. BMC Health Services Research 21, 840 (2021).
- Lindberg MH, Chen G, Olsen JA, Abelsen B. Explaining subjective social status in two countries: The relative importance of education, occupation, income and childhood circumstances. SSM Popul Health. 2021 Jul 3;15:100864.doi:
- Hjortdahl, M, Gyrd-Hansen, D, Halvorsen, P. (2021) GP decisions to participate in emergencies: a randomised vignette study
- Margrete Gaski og Birgit Abelsen: Å lede eksperter inn i nye arbeidsmåter. Lederatferd ved implementering av primærhelseteam på fastlegekontor. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning nr. 4-2020
- Norbye, A., Abelsen, B., Førde, O., & Ringberg, U. (2020). Distribution of health anxiety in a general adult population and associations with demographic and social network characteristics. Psychological Medicine, 1-8.
- Abelsen, B., Strasser, R., Heaney, D. et al. Plan, recruit, retain: a framework for local healthcare organizations to achieve a stable remote rural workforce. Hum Resour Health 18, 63 (2020).
- Malterud, Kirsti; Aamland, Aase; Fosse, Anette. (2020)How can task shifting put patient safety at risk? A qualitative study of experiences among general practitioners in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2020 s. 1-9 NORCE UiB UiT
- Kvamme, M, Wang, C, Risør, T, Bech, M. (2020). “Fixing my life”: young people’s everyday efforts towards recovery from persistent bodily complaints.
- Johnsen, P, Hilpüsch, F, Valle, P, Goll, R. (2020) The effect of fecal microbiota transplantation on IBS related quality of life and fatigue in moderate to severe non-constipated irritable bowel: Secondary endpoints of a double blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial.
- Harbitz MB, Brandstorp H, Gaski M. Rural general practice patients’ coping with hazards and harm: an interview study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(10):e031343.
- Jakobsen, M, Obstfelder, A, Braaten,T, Abelsen, B. (2019) What makes women with food hypersensitivity do self-management work?
- Hjortdahl M, Zakariassen E, Halvorsen PA. Self reported involvement in emergency medicine among GPs in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 10 april
- Johnsen PH, Hilpüsch F, Cavanagh JP, Leikanger IS, Kolstad C, Valle PC, Goll R. Fecal microbiota transplantation versus placebo for moderate-to-severe irritable bowel syndrome: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, single-centre trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Jan;3(1):17-24.
- Brandstorp H. Training interactions in local teams: Using critical participatory action research to explore context based learning. Doktorgradsavhandling. ISM skriftserie nr.175. Helsevitenskapelig fakultet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet
- Gaski M, Abelsen B. Designing medical internship to improve recruitment and retention of doctors in rural areas. International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2017 vol. 76, 1314415.
- Gaski M, Halvorsen PA, Aaraas IJ, Aasland OG. Utdanner Universitetet i Tromsø – Norges arktiske universitet leger til å arbeide i distrikter?
- Hilpüsch F, Johnsen PH, Goll R, Valle PC, Sørbye SW, Abelsen B. Microscopic colitis: a missed diagnosis among patients with moderate to severe irritable bowel syndrome. Scand J Gastroentorol. 2017 Feb;52(2):173-177
- Sheikh MA, Abelsen B, Olsen JA. Education and health and well-being: direct and indirect effects with multiple mediators and interactions with multiple imputed data in Stata. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Online First, September
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